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iGRASPseed Retreats

iGRASPseed Retreats

The annual iGRASPseed retreats were organized by iGRASPseed to give all fellows and their supervisors the chance to come together and present their works. The retreats give the basis for all iGRASPseed members to establish networks and cooperations among each other. As part of the qualification program, scientific lectures and workshops are also included in the retreats.

1st Annual Retreat iGRASPseed

From January 07th to 9th 2013, we successfully welcomed 34 participants to the first annual retreat of iGRASPseed in “Die Wolfsburg” in Mülheim an der Ruhr.

Within the three days, 15 fellows gave talks to present their doctoral project plans and first results. Furthermore, four lectures were given to the topics “Structural Biology” (Prof. Dr. Dieter Willbold), “Modeling” (Prof. Dr. Holger Gohlke), “Expression” (Prof. Dr. Karl-Erich Jaeger) and “Biocatalysis” (Prof. Dr. Jörg Pietruszka). All talks and lectures were well discussed by all fellows and their supervisors/PIs which also attended the retreat.

Additionally, all fellows attended the very informative workshop “Good Scientific Practice” given by Dr. Christian Dumpitak from iGRAD (interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf).

The aim of the first annual retreat was to bring the students from our two research sites (Jülich and Düsseldorf) together and to give them a platform to exchange research results, problems and for networking and was well fulfilled. It brought the fellows and PIs closer together and was a good start for fruitful cooperation in the future.

2nd Annual Retreat iGRASPseed

From February 17th to 19th 2014, all iGRASPseed fellows and their PIs came together for the second annual retreat of iGRASPseed in “Sport+Seminarcenter” in Radevormwald.

Within these three days, 20 fellows gave very interesting talks to present their doctoral projects. Furthermore, we were pleased to hear lectures about "Structural Biology" given by Dr. Manuel Etzkorn and "Protein misfolding diseases and the example of Alzheimer's disease" given by Prof. Dr. Sascha Weggen. All talks and lectures were well discussed by all fellows and their supervisors/PIs.

3rd Annual Retreat iGRASPseed

From February 18th to 20th 2015, all iGRASPseed fellows and their PIs came together for the our last annual retreat of iGRASPseed in “Sport+Seminarcenter” in Radevormwald.

Within these three days, 17 fellows gave very interesting talks to present their doctoral projects. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Aileen Funke, Hochschule Coburg, was invited to give insights in her research work. She gave a very interestig lecture about "Protein-protein interactions". Another highlight was the performance of the band "The Aggregates" which is formed by members of the institute of physical biology of Heinrich-Heine-University.